Friday, June 23, 2006

Goodbye Sedona

Hi everyone. I am home now from Arizona.

I have been so busy telling everyone about my trip that I haven't had time to write.

On the final night of the conference Kristin was attending, she let me come with her (in her purse) to the big conference dinner. Kristin wore a fancy dress and all of the other people there were dressed up very nice. Here you can see a few pictures of me with Kristin in her fancy dress.

I couldn't understand what most people were talking about at dinner but it was fun to watch people talk. Many were very excited while talking. Kristin later told me they were talking about politics. Sounds pretty boring to me!

After dinner, I went to bed and Kristin worked on packing up all of her equipment and clothes. The next morning (Wednesday), Kristin got me up REALLY early (before 6AM) so we could go on a walk. I really like exploring the trails near the resort but I wasn't so sure I wanted to get up so early! Now I am glad that I did. Kristin and her friends Jeff, Betty, Susan, and Julie walked ALL to a place Kristin called the "vista." It is REALLY high up! It's hard to see me but here I am with Kristin and her friends at the "vista" (Kristin is holding me).

And to give you an idea of how high we had to walk, here is a photo of the place where we were. Kristin took this from near our hotel. The rock we climbed up to is the one on the far right hand side of this photo.

I also got see some more of the fire that is still burning near Sedona.

After our walk, I went swimming while Kristin finished her conference work. Then, Kristin took me to the gift store and let me pick out a t-shirt to remember my trip. She also let me buy a few small things for my family and she ordered me a special book about the javelina. Javelinas are animals that I learned about at Camp Coyote. I never saw one in person but they look like ugly pigs in the photos I saw. But I learned javelinas are NOT pigs and the book Kristin ordered for me is called, "Don't Call Me Pig." I can't wait until it arrives.

Around 3:00PM, a car service came and picked up Kristin and her friend Jeff to taken them back to Phoenix. They didn't get to ride in the big limo this time. Instead they rode in a regular car. :(

When we got to Phoenix, Kristin told me a friend of hers was going to take all of us out to dinner. Guess what? It was Kristin's friend Kathleen. Kathleen is one of Kristin's journalist friends that I met in Egypt. It turns out she lives in Phoenix. How cool is that? Here you can see me with Kristin and Kathleen at a Mexican restaurant in Phoenix.

Now that I am back in Iowa, I want to thank Kristin for taking me on another great trip. I also want to thank Kristin's friends Jeff, Betty, Susan, and Matt at the Stanley Foundation for being so kind to me during the trip.

Until my next adventure.....goodbye for now.