Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Happy in Texas

Hi everyone. I am having another great adventure with my friend Kristin.

Kristin told me on Sunday that I would see lots of airports and rental cars on this trip. Man, she wasn't kidding! Yesterday morning (Monday) I was in Amarillo. Last night I was in Lubbock And today I am writing to you from El Paso! See if you can find if you can find Lubbock and El Paso on the map.

I've visited these towns (and more) because Kristin is talking about the radio program. I asked Kristin to type up the list of the places she's speaking to on this trip.

Monday Afternoon - West Texas A&M University in Canyon
Monday Night - Texas Tech University in Lubbock.
Tuesday Morning - Coronado High School in Lubbock
Tuesday Afternoon - El Paso Community College in El Paso

Whew! That is a VERY busy schedule.

After we left Canyon yesterday, Kristin drove us to Lubbock. It took about 90 minutes to get there by car. Along the way Kristin said we had to make a special stop. I asked her where we were going and she said, "Happy." I thought she was just trying to surprise me again but it turns out there is actually a town named Happy, Texas. Kristin says there is even a movie called "Happy, Texas." Who knew?

Since we were on a very tight schedule, we didn't stop for very long but Kristin did take a picture of me near the town's road sign.

Kristin was worried I might be bored on the long car ride to Lubbock but I actually enjoyed seeing West Texas (even if it was just from the car). I noticed a number of things during our car trip. First, this part of Texas has lots of cattle and horse farms. This part of Texas is also FLAT just like me! I could see farm fields for miles and miles from the car window. Many of the fields were full of small green bushes that had what looked like white puffy flowers. I've never seen anything like it so I asked Kristin about the plants. She told me the bushes were cotton bushes and that the white puffy flowers are actually little puffs of cotton. I had no idea!

I also learned that this part of Texas is also called the "panhandle." Doesn't that sound funny? Kristin says Northwest Texas is known as the panhandle because of the way it looks on the map. If you look at the entire state of Texas on the map, the part of the state where Amarillo and Lubbock are located looks like the handle of a pan that my mom would use on her stove. I looked at the map for a long time and I'm not sure Texas looks like a pan but I wasn't going to argue with Kristin.

As soon as we arrived in Lubbock, Kristin drove to Texas Tech University so she could give her presentation. After a late dinner, we finally were able to check into our hotel room.

The next morning, Kristin woke me up very early so we could get to her next presentation at Coronado High School in Lubbock. As soon as her presentation there was over, Kristin drove us to the airport. I was really surprised. I thought we were staying in Texas for another day. Kristin just smiled and told me that we had to fly to El Paso so she could make her final presentation. WOW! I think Kristin was worried that I was going to be bored with another plane ride so she bought me a bear with a Lubbock, Texas t-shirt so I would have some company on the plane ride. Here I am with my new bear and Kristin's plane ticket to El Paso.

Once we arrived in El Paso, Kristin got a rental car and drove us to El Paso Community College. Kristin told me to pay special attention to the left-hand side of the road as she was driving to the West side of El Paso. She told me if I looked closely, I would be able to see Mexico. Can you believe it?! I could see the city of Juarez, Mexico from the car. I was really hoping that Kristin would take me to Mexico but she said we didn't have time. I told her that was OK because I could at least tell my friends that I saw Mexico.

Kristin's presentation was at the Jenna Welch and Laura Bush Community Library. It is a very cool library. It even has a children's section for kids like me. I got to read while Kristin gave her speech. Kristin must have told the librarian about me because after her speech, Kristin introduced me to the librarian. Her name is Anna. She is very nice. She was very interested in me and my travels. I gave her the address of this blog and I think she is going to tell others about me. Isn't that cool? Here I am with Kristin and my new friend Anna.

After Kristin was finished at the library, we went to dinner with Daniela and Gaby. They helped organize the meeting Kristin spoke at. Daniela and Gaby are very nice. They took us to a great Mexican restaurant and then took us on a tour of El Paso's scenic drive. The scenic drive has little parks where people can walk and see across the border. It was really cool especially since we went after dark. Here I am with my new friends Daniela and Gaby.

Do you see the lights behind Daniela and Gaby? That's Mexico!

It was WAY past my bedtime when Kristin drove us to the hotel we were staying at in El Paso. I must have been really tired because I fell asleep in the car.

Until next time....